Контакт ardani




  • Адресhttps://www.google.com/maps/place/15/1+улица+Афросиаб,+Ташкент/@41.3040903,69.2661484,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x38ae8adf68410f17:0xcc9e9a1dbdb23a81!8m2!3d41.3040903!4d69.2683371
  • Цена10€
  • Оплата за...час
  • Пред. опыт работы по спец.Более 10 лет
  • wwwhttps://smartcat.com/marketplace/user/danil-arutyunov
  • Skypelive:.cid.34f9e46f82e2578c

Please, see my language pairs below:

(1) Russian (Native) to English
(2) Russian to Hindi
(3) English to Russian
(4) English to Hindi
(5) Hindi to English
(6) Hindi to Russian
Rate is $10 per one page of 1800+ symbols or USD0.03 per a source word. Payment is Uzbekistan bank transfer or Western Union.


Hindi texts on various topics translated into English and Russian are for sale. Rate is $0.03 per word. Approximate cost of a standard page of 300 words is 10 dollars.

Your interests in Uzbekistan.

Regards Daniel Tashkent, Uzbekistan (998) 71 256-24-96

26/05/2024, № , Редактировать